Sony KDL-70R550A 70-Inch 120Hz 1080p 3D Internet LED HDTV (Black)
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Product Feature
- Edge LED backlight for a bright picture & thin design
- Lifelike movement with Motionflow XR 240
- Receiver-less TV for DirecTV customers
- Movies, music & apps w/ Sony Entertainment Network
- Stream HD entertainment wirelessly with built-in Wi-Fi
Product Description
Sports, movies and games fill the big screen with incredible detail of Full HD 1080p with Clear Resolution Enhancer, and the remarkable motion clarity of Motionflow XR 240. Internet connectivity is at your fingertips with built-in Wi-Fi, so you can access HD movies, music and more from Amazon Instant Video, Netflix and others1. | | | ![KDL-R550A]( | So bright and so thin Powerful yet thin LEDs deliver a radically brighter picture than conventional LCD backlighting. They also help achieve an ultra-slim TV design that looks beautiful in your home. What's more, Sony's Edge LED Backlight technology delivers outstanding contrast, rich colors and enhanced dark-scene detail. | Lifelike motion Watch the football retain its detail during a kickoff and move smoothly as the camera follows it from left to right. Even quick motion seen in action movies appears amazingly realistic as Motionflow XR 240 technology, which takes motion clarity beyond refresh rates, smoothes out the picture where the camera can't for clearer and more natural movement. | Clearly different Fine details and textures appear in whatever you� �re watching, even in flat areas. Powered by Sony� �s advanced noise reduction algorithm, this technology boosts image clarity with heightened contrast and depth that you won� t find on most televisions. | Receiver-less TV
For DIRECTV customers with a Genie Whole-Home HD DVR, the Sony R550A series allows you to enjoy full DIRECTV service and HD DVR functionality without an additional receiver. Place the Genie Whole-Home HD DVR in any room of the house and enjoy the clean look of your big screen on the wall without the clutter of connecting a DIRECTV receiver to it3. | Go beyond cable with built-in Wi-Fi Wirelessly stream beautiful, HD entertainment straight from the internet or your home network using built-in Wi-Fi connectivity and open the door to the endless entertainment of the Sony Entertainment Network, where thousands of movies, TV shows, online videos, games and music are always at your fingertips. By connecting to the Internet you can access Full HD 1080p entertainment, 3D content and made-for-TV apps like Amazon Instant Video, Netflix, Pandora, YouTube, Facebook and more1. | Your smartphone, now on TV
Movies, music and apps from your smartphone can now be viewed big on your TV. With two ways to connect Android phones and tablets to the R550A, Sony is helping you add value to the entertainment you already own2,5. | Your smartphone, now on TV
Movies, music and apps from your smartphone can now be viewed big on your TV. With two ways to connect Android phones and tablets to the R550A, Sony is helping you add value to the entertainment you already own.
1. Using a Mobile High Definition Link cable, you can connect your smartphone to the TV to literally “mirror � what� s seen on the smartphone screen. Video, photos and apps are re-sized and scaled to fit the larger TV screen. You can then use the TV remote to navigate the phone, while it� s charging from the TV5.
2. Using screen mirroring technology, you can connect phones that are Miracast enabled to the TV2.
| | Theater-like 3D
Using the same passive 3D technology used in movie theaters, feel the explosive excitement of theater-like 3D. Even the sound profile is enhanced for 3D viewing to provide a more immersive experience4. Slip on the latest generation of light, comfortable 3D glasses to enjoy your favorite 3D movies. Four pairs included.
| | Against the grain
Dazzle the whole family with ultra-crisp HD clarity and less grain. Digital Noise Reduction enhances detail in whatever you're watching with meticulous processing. It even helps clean up video from USB and other PC sources so the picture looks pristine and vivid.
| View larger | | 1. Broadband speed of at least 2.5 Mbps recommended (10 Mbps for HD). Content subject to change and may require fees. Wireless connectivity requires 802.11 home network (802.11n recommended). 2. Requires smartphone with Wi-Fi certified Miracast technology. Certain formats are not supported. 3. Requires compatible DIRECTV Genie Whole Home HD DVR and TV be connected to the same wireless home network. 4. Requires 3D content, 3D player, HDMI cable (at least 10.2 Gbps) sold separately. 5. Requires Mobile High Definition Link-compatible smartphone to be connected to the TV with a Mobile High Definition Link cable, sold separately. 6. Actual panel resolution of XBR� X900A 4K Ultra HD TV is 3,840 x 2,160 pixels (in 16:9 aspect ratio). HDTVs have a panel resolution of 1,920 x 1080 pixels. 7. 65 Watts total power (20+20+12.5+12.5) | |
Sony KDL-70R550A 70-Inch 120Hz 1080p 3D Internet LED HDTV (Black) Review
I generally like Plasmas for their better picture quality (I already own 5 HD TVs and this is the 6th one). The only reason I decided to go with LED TV was there's no 70" Plasma in the Market. And my 60" looks too small in my great room - possibly because of high ceilings. After researching Sharp's 70" TV I decided to wait for Panasonic to come up with a 70" Plasma, but then Sony came out with this. It was decently priced, had 3D, there were no reviews. But I decided to take a chance - given Sony's reputation. I must say I am not disappointed!
Overall Picture Quality:
Overall picture quality is good. I would say it is awesome given that it is not a Plasma yet Sony was able to produce brilliant blacks.
720p Quality:
Picture was not pixelated with 720p output from my Verizon box. I was able to see bigger picture without any quality degradation due to bigger size. It was really surprising. The picture was at least as good as on my 60" Plasma on 720p.
1080p Quality:
I put in Avatar bluray movie and played it. I turned off all the lights to see how darks appear. Even with factory settings the result was amazing. After looking at the picture quality of this TV I can no longer argue with my friends that Plasma is superior than LED.
This TV uses passive 3D!!! And this was a pleasant surprise. I like passive 3D better than active 3D for two reasons.
1. In passive 3D TV produces two images at a time, while each lens in your polarized 3D glasses can see only one image which feeds different images to both eyes - resulting in 3D image in your brain. I like it because instead of glasses completely blinding your each eye one after the other some 240 times a second (active 3D), your both eyes just see different images - which I have found to put less stress on your eyes and brain.
2. Passive 3D glasses are cheap - these are the same one used in theaters. You can order around a dozen for less than 25 bucks. And they don't need to be recharged and they are light in weight. Compare that to an active 3D glass where each cost a minimum of 50 bucks and you have to recharge them and they are not as lightweight as passive.
3D Quality:
Again, I restarted Avatar in 3D mode and the result was just WOW!!! My three year old daughter when walked across the TV I almost screamed that she is going to bump in the guy - but wait - the guy was in the movie. I am not kidding it happened a few times - that is when I noticed that 3D is just amazing - and it does have a pop-out effect usually experienced only in theaters. May be the screen size helped in producing life sized images.
Now the BAD:
Menu's are not intuitive and has a slow response time. But I wouldn't have given it 4 stars just for this reason. The reason I gave it four stars is that when changing resolution (i.e. when PlayStation goes from playing bluray video to home screen and back) the screen goes blank and TV stops responding to commands. I could still hear the sound but no picture. I have to turn it off and back on and I start to see the picture. This is most likely a manufacturing defect. I still have to contact Sony about it (as I just got TV last night). Will update the review when I have this resolved.
I had my PlayStation connected with an old HDMI cable which worked fine with my old TV. When I connected PlayStation to the new TV with the same cable I was able to see the menus and stuff. However when I try to play a 3D movie the picture would go blank and I would hear sound after long pauses. I remembered reading somewhere that 3D requires newer faster HDMI cables. I had some newer HDMI cables in my stash. So when I changed it everything started working. So if you are unable to play 3D movies try a newer (I think ver 1.4 is required but I am not sure - just google it) HDMI cable.
EDIT 5/7/2013:
My issue above was resolved by a call to tech support. I had to unplug both TV and Playstation while they were "on". Then disconnect the HDMI cable, wait for one minute and then plug TV and Playstation back in. Connect the HDMI cable. This resolved the issue above - so I updated my rating to 5 star!
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