Sony KDL-47W802A 47-Inch 120Hz 1080p 3D Internet LED HDTV (Black)
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Product Feature
- Pro-grade detail for discerning eyes: X-Reality PRO
- Your smartphone screen on TV w/ NFC screen mirroring
- Dynamic Edge LED backlight for amazing contrast
- Dynamic, full range sound with S-Force Surround Sound
- Enjoy ultra-realistic movement with Motionflow XR 480
Product Description
Quartz-cut design brings a new edge to TV with a hint of translucent color that emphasizes the hidden gem within. Each scene in everything you watch � HD movies, 3D, sports, even YouTube clips� �is presented with unprecedented detail and clarity from Sony� �s exclusive X-Reality PRO picture engine. And lifelike motion comes via Motionflow XR 480 technology for that at-the-game feeling. | | | ![KDL-47W802A]( | Everything looks better This is picture quality so lifelike it's like looking through a window. Each scene in everything you watch� HD movies, sports, even YouTube� � clips and home movies� �is presented with unprecedented detail, and astonishing color as Sony's latest-generation X-Reality PRO picture engine cleans and refines images �� restoring them to their original beauty with rich colors and high contrast - for our most lifelike picture ever. | Moves like real life Golf balls roll clearly, with less blurring, as the camera follows them across the green. Footballs retain their detail and move smoothly as the camera pans quickly during a kickoff. Even quick motion seen in action movies appears amazingly realistic as Motionflow XR 480 takes motion clarity beyond refresh rates, which are only measured in Hz, to double the motion effect for lifelike clarity. | Sound that �s all around you Whether you� �re watching movies, live concerts, drama or sports � enjoy rich, dynamic sound from your TV speakers that feels like it s filling the room. Unique to Sony, S-Force Front Surround technology processes audio signals to create an immersive, finely detailed soundstage that pulls you right into the heart of the action. An enlarged ‘sweet spot’ lets you enjoy optimum audio reproduction, even if you ��re not sitting dead-center right in front of the TV screen. | The difference is dynamic
It's all about perfecting a natural look. Dynamic Edge LED backlighting with frame dimming delivers pitch-black night scenes and illuminates bright scenes. Rather than illuminating the entire screen, contrast is boosted in just the right areas for a more realistic picture. | Your smartphone, now on TV
Movies, music and apps from your smartphone can now be viewed big on your TV. With three ways to connect Android phones and tablets to the W802A, Sony is helping you add value to the entertainment you already own2,5,6. | Go beyond cable with built-in Wi-Fi Wirelessly stream beautiful, HD entertainment straight from the internet or your home network using built-in Wi-Fi connectivity and open the door to the endless entertainment of the Sony Entertainment Network, where thousands of movies, TV shows, online videos, games and music are always at your fingertips. By connecting to the Internet you can access Full HD 1080p entertainment, 3D content and made-for-TV apps like Amazon Instant Video, Netflix, Pandora, YouTube, Facebook and more1. | Your smartphone, now on TV
Movies, music and apps from your smartphone can now be viewed big on your TV. With three ways to connect Android phones and tablets to the W802A, Sony is helping you add value to the entertainment you already own.
1.Using a Mobile High Definition Link cable, you can connect your smartphone to the TV to literally “mirror” what� s seen on the smartphone screen. Video, photos and apps are re-sized and scaled to fit the larger TV screen. You can then use the TV remote to navigate the phone, while it� s charging from the TV5.
2. Using screen mirroring technology, you can connect phones that are Miracast enabled to the TV2.
3. Using One-touch mirroring with NFC technology, briefly place your compatible Xperia smartphone to the one-touch remote (sold separately). You’ll instantly be able to view exactly what is on your smartphone �s screen on the TV6.
| | Theater-like 3D
Using the same passive 3D technology used in movie theaters, feel the explosive excitement of theater-like 3D. Even the sound profile is enhanced for 3D viewing to provide a more immersive experience3. Slip on the latest generation of light, comfortable 3D glasses to enjoy your favorite 3D movies. Four pairs included. Control TV with your smartphone or tablet
Get more from watching television with TV SideView. Control the TV or browse the channel guide with your smartphone or tablet (Android or iOS), all without having to minimize what you re watching on the TV. Learn more about the show you re watching right now, like cast and episode details. Search what’s available to watch on TV, internet videos and apps like Amazon Instant Video and Netflix. Once you find what you want to watch, you can select to view it on the TV. Make TV viewing more social by Tweeting about the show from your mobile device4. Onboard manual
You will never lose your TV manual again. The iManual is available through the menu system on the TV �� always there if you need it.
| | Twice the fun: 2 �player games with no split screen
Say goodbye to split screen. Now you and a friend can both experience your own big-screen view of the action as you play nail-biting games on your PlayStation 3 system. SimulView gaming presents two separate pictures: each player watches independently through light easy to wear optional Simulview glasses that don� �t need batteries7. There’s already a growing choice of SimulView game titles available. Quartz-cut design
Inspired by the sharp edges and color found in quartz crystals the Quartz-cut design brings a new edge to TV with a hint of translucent color that emphasizes the hidden gem within. Brilliant color, sharp detail and an overall sense of beauty can be found in the thin border that traces the edge of the TV screen. Life-sized video calls
It's like they're in the room with you. Skype video calls bring your family and friends closer than ever as they appear as large as life on your big screen� for free1. Just connect the easy-to-use Skype camera (sold separately) for a face-to-face look at the caller on the beauty of your Sony HDTV.
| | X900A 65*/55* | X850A 65*/55* | W900A 55* | W850A 65* | W802A 55*/ 47 | W650A 32* | R550A 70*/ 60/ 50* | Display Resolution | 4K Ultra HD1 | 4K Ultra HD1 | Full HD 1080p | Full HD 1080p | Full HD 1080p | Full HD 1080p | Full HD 1080p | Picture Engine | 4K X-Reality PRO | 4K X-Reality PRO | X-Reality PRO | X-Reality PRO | X-Reality PRO | X-Reality PRO | �Clear Resolution Enhancer | TRILUMINOS display | ![]( | ![]( | ![]( | ![]( | - | - | - | LED Backlight | Dynamic Edge LED | Dynamic Edge LED | Dynamic Edge LED | Dynamic Edge LED | Dynamic Edge LED | Edge LED | Edge LED | Motion Clarity | Motionflow XR 960 | Motionflow XR 960 | Motionflow XR 960 | Motionflow XR 480 | Motionflow XR 480 | Motionflow XR 240 | Motionflow XR 240 | 3D6 | Passive 3D | Active 3D | Active 3D | Active 3D | Passive 3D | - | Passive 3D | One-Touch Mirroring (NFC)13 | ![]( | ![]( | ![]( | ![]( | Optional | - | - | TV SideView Compatible | ![]( | ![]( | ![]( | ![]( | ![]( | ![]( | - | Skype8 Video Calling | ![]( | ![]( | ![]( | ![]( | ![]( | ![]( | - | Wi-Fi8 Built-in (Netflix, Pandora, YouTube, HuluPlus & more) | ![]( | ![]( | ![]( | ![]( | ![]( | ![]( | ![]( | Screen Mirroring (Miracast)11 | ![]( | ![]( | ![]( | ![]( | ![]( | ![]( | ![]( | Screen Mirroring (MHL)5 | ![]( | ![]( | ![]( | ![]( | ![]( | ![]( | ![]( | Sound Enhancements | Magnetic Fluid (65W3 Power) | Bass Reflex Speaker Cabinet | Long Duct Speaker Cabinet | Bass Reflex Speaker Cabinet | Bass Reflex Speaker Cabinet | Bass Reflex Speaker Cabinet | - | What's in the Box:
Supplied Accessories | 3D Glasses | TDG-500P x4 | AC Power Cord | Pigtail | Batteries | R03 | Operating Instructions | US | Remote Control | RM-YD087 | Screws | Yes | Table Top Stand | Separate (assembly required) |
1. Broadband speed of at least 2.5 Mbps recommended (10 Mbps for HD). Content subject to change and may require fees. Wireless connectivity requires 802.11 home network (802.11n recommended). Skype requires CMU-BR100 or CMU-BR200 camera sold sep. Subject to Skype's terms and conditions. 2. Requires smartphone with Wi-Fi certified Miracast technology. Certain formats are not supported. 3. Requires 3D content, 3D player, HDMI cable (at least 10.2 Gbps) sold separately. 4. Requires active internet connection and devices connected to the same wireless home network. 5. Requires Mobile High Definition Link-compatible smartphone to be connected to the TV with a Mobile High Definition Link cable, sold separately. 6. Requires compatible Near Field Communication (NFC)-enabled Xperia smartphone. Certain formats are not supported. 7. PS3 system and SimulView glasses sold sep. 8. Actual panel resolution of XBR-X900A 4K Ultra HD TV is 3,840 x 2,160 pixels (in 16:9 aspect ratio). HDTVs have a panel resolution of 1,920 x 1080 pixels. | |
Sony KDL-47W802A 47-Inch 120Hz 1080p 3D Internet LED HDTV (Black) Review
Great Gaming TV - Great TV for Anything!
I recently returned a Panasonic ST60 due to extreme lag while playing video games - and yes, I was obviously using "Game Mode" - It made little difference. You can verify this lag on YouTube video reviews.
I bought this TV based off a review I found online stating that the input lag was superior compared to other models - despite the 120HZ nature of the TV, which is supposed to INCREASE the lag, as can be seen by the external site, all comparable tvs are all 60HZ.
Regardless, this TV has great clear picture, and has exceptional lag that rivals computer monitors, allowing me, and you, to watch sports and play videogames without issues.
Please take the time to "Like" this review, as that will be my only "Payment" for trying to help!
Any questions, please ask away!
Kind Regards,
Jonathan Bobal - Piano Teacher - Hardcore Gamer
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